
Sometimes the smallest changes make the biggest impact - a little cream to your coffee in the morning, chains on your tires in a blizzard. Same goes for Freedom Hygiene. It’s a small service, but it provides a preferred amenity, which is appreciated by employees, visitors, and the environment.

Impact on Environment

Over 2 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die every year as a result of contamination from human debris. Flushed feminine products are part of this growing problem. Despite being marked, “DO NOT FLUSH,” 2.5 million tampons, 1.4 million pads, and 700,000 panty liners are flushed down the toilet every day. None of these products are biodegradable. This is a massive health risk for humans and animals.

We provide a transformative solution that allows women to dispose of their feminine hygiene products safely. No flushing. No pollution. No harmful consequences to animals. In fact, we’ve partnered with the Stanislaus Resource Recovery Facility, an award-winning Waste-to-Energy Facility, to convert feminine waste into energy. So we’re not just making waterways safer, we’re also lowering greenhouse gas emissions and creating electricity.

Impact on Resources

  • Compliance with OSHA and EPA requirements

  • Reduces solid waste in the wastewater system

  • Reduces pollution in the Bay

  • Lowers complaints about resources, health, and safety

  • Increases workplace wellness

  • Breaks the chain of cross-contamination

Impact on Employers/Employees

When it comes to hygiene you can either deal with the situation before or after. After is usually when the plumbing is clogged or there’s been a complaint about safety and sanitation. After can get costly. This is why we recommend dealing with it before - before it’s a problem, before anyone gets sick, before compliances are broken.

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